Friday, 29 May 2009

I'm not a PC

The penny suddenly dropped this morning as to why it was that at 11pm last night I had been struggling to complete some work I'm paid to do before a midnight deadline. Before you ask, no, I hadn't been out gallivanting all day and left it till the last minute. I'd been slaving over it diligently. So why hadn't I finished it earlier in the day? The answer's obvious really when you think of it. Cast your mind back to the adverts that have been appearing in a number of different forms on our televisions recently for a well known computer manufacturer and you'll probably spot the problem quicker than I did. Simple! I'm not a PC.

So why am I not a PC? I teach. I wear glasses, sometimes and a ring. All of those things according to the advert are characteristics of people who are PCs. It comes back to logic really. If you are something, then you must display all the characteristics of that something. Just because you have one or more of those characteristics it doesn't necessarily follow that you are that something. So having got that out of the way, haven't I just proved that PCs are not necessarily teachers?

Now that brings me to the next question I'm pondering. If only a PC could do my job in the stated number of hours it should take, but a PC isn't a teacher, can anyone do the job? Discuss! While you think whether there's any logical answer to the question I'd better get back to work. There's another deadline due soon.

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